Report: UFO sightings are at an all-time high

UFO sightings have reached an all-time high, according to statistician Sam Monfort.

(Article by by Jessica Brown from

Monfort collated sightings recorded by the National UFO Reporting Centre, a US organisation that records sightings worldwide, from the beginning of the 20th century.

And there’s been a bit of an upward trend…

Picture: Sam Monfort

Interestingly though, Sam has observed that spotting of flying saucers have been on the downturn, despite the rise in sightings over all.

Maybe extraterrestrials have just upgraded?

In terms of geography, Sam says that the US seems to be the most prone to UFO sightings all year round.

The States actually report 300 times as many sightings than the the global average, according to his calculations.

Picture: Sam Monfort


If you want to look at all Sam’s awesome data, head over to this website, where there are also breaks downs of sightings by State and other great graphs.

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