The robotic replacement for Amazon

A robotic replacement for contemporary delivery services may be on the horizon, as Kobi Shikar, an engineering and design student at Shenkar School of Engineering and Design in Ramat Gan, Israel has designed a unicycle drone which can purportedly transport heavy parcels and even operate in swarms to deal with large shipments.

If the prospect of our skies being filled with airborne quad copters wasn’t already daunting enough, Kobi has envisioned armies of these delivery drones, running around the clock autonomously, essentially eliminating the need for scheduling delivery times around truck and manpower availability. Like the Google Car however, this technology is mortally reliant on GPS navigation and the continual development of safe AI programming to be successful.

Additionally, in order for this kind of technology to operate inside dense population centers, Mr. Shikar is woefully gambling on the positive progression of favorable legislation. Amazon learned last year with its attempt to launch the first airborne delivery drone service that getting positive legislation passed is a very turbulent and expensive process.

Read more about robotics being used for future jobs at


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