CNN staged their focus group to be Pro-Clinton (Video Proof)

During the second presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, there were several instances where it was obvious that CNN staff was on Hillary’s side. Although it’s nothing new for mainstream media outlets to be biased toward a presidential candidate, this time they handed over the smoking gun when reporter Pamela Brown’s microphone went live on air seconds before she anticipated.

Brown was about to ask post-debate questions to an Ohio based focus group of undecided voters when she was heard whispering. “America’s great, because we are good” she whispered to a focus group member then proceeded to ask on live broadcast “What was it about Hillary Clinton’s argument that resonated with you following Donald’s Trump’s defense of the video?”. The focus group member responds; “She stated that America as already great, and I tend to agree with that”. The interviewee then carried on to express that we are still progressing as a nation.

It’s obvious that the interviewee was being coached by CNN staff, following right along with the way Brown had instructed her to answer the question. In broadcast, live reporters are often in radio communications with network producers to guide the created content in favor of the network’s interests. Looking back at the actual question itself, it’s hard to believe a natural response would have been identical without Brown coaching the focus group member on how to answer — especially when the question was supposed to pertain to Hillary’s response to Trump’s defense of the video. Although it’s not uncommon for politicians to provide a lengthy answer to a controversial question without actually addressing the concerns raised in the question, it’s much more understandable when they choose to take that route to avoid revealing their crooked ways.

CNN went on to announce that Hillary Clinton was the clear winner of the debate, although they used self manufactured statistics to do so. Reporting that 57% of CNN’s “democrat leaning” viewers agree that Hillary won the debate. This is another of many instances where the media presents information in a way that conceals the truth from it’s viewer audience. Although that practice won’t be going away anytime soon, it’s important we realize that not everything is what it appears to be. What is apparent is that CNN controls it’s content in ways to manipulate the viewers — and that Hillary was not the “clear” winner of the debate.


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