Why didn’t Google blacklist Gizmodo, BuzzFeed, Daily Kos and others for “outbound links” when Natural News was silenced for far less?

As readers of Natural News are aware, search giant Google, which delivers about 67.5 percent of all search results in the United States, is attempting to put our site down the memory hole after de-indexing all NaturalNews.com pages – some 140,000 – earlier this week.

This de-listing came without provocation. It came without warning. It came without cause or, at least, a cause founder/editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, and our editorial staff were aware of.

After some delay, we were finally informed that someone, somewhere within the Google organization, had decided that “outbound links” in scores of articles posted by our bloggers on Blogs.NaturalNews.com, in violation of our rules, had been selling links to third-party websites, as a way of earning revenue and boosting the sponsored sites’ presence on the Web.

The first to notice that we’d been penalized, actually, was Telapost, which wrote that a reader had contacted them to find out why, when they searched for NaturalNews.com in Google, no results came up.

“Indeed, the site has been penalized by Google. This means, for whatever reason, the site does not show up in Google organic search. I tested the subdomain blogs.naturalnews.com as well, and it too is penalized,” Telapost reported Feb. 21.

After further review, both Telapost and managing editorial staff at Natural News have concluded that, based on Google’s actions, it was likely due to the presence of outbound links. In reality, that was not Google’s justification for blacklisting the Natural News root domain. Google has cited a third party ad script added by a blogger to 13 blog pages located under the blogs subdomain of naturalnews.com. See this story for a detailed technical analysis.

But what gives? And why is this suddenly a “problem” for Natural News – but not Buzzfeed, Daily Kos, Gizmodo and other Left-wing blogs and news outlets? They have been part of outbound links “payola” schemes for years, and in fact, as Telapost reported, it’s no secret that companies or websites can buy outbound links at these and other websites. For some, selling them is quite a good source of revenue.

Mind you, the act of de-indexing Natural News came after a series of incidents which can hardly be considered coincidental, even those who are most averse to conspiracy theories. As Adams noted:

SEVEN days ago, I went public with the fact that I had been threatened and ordered to “destroy Alex Jones” or I would be destroyed. I refused to take part in betraying InfoWars and Alex Jones, knowing full well that I would pay a huge price for taking that position.

FOUR days ago, InfoWars was subjected to intense economic sabotage by AdRoll cutting off $3 million in InfoWars store revenue.

THREE days ago, Google censored the entire NaturalNews.com website, delisting 140,000+ pages from its search results.

TWO days ago, I am personally subjected to a massive barrage of malicious hit pieces from the media, decrying me as “anti-science” because I have the real science that says we should not inject mercury into children (and that vaccines given to children in America still contain mercury).

TODAY, the hit pieces are all ranked at the top on Google when anyone searches for “Natural News,” making sure that the smears and defamation achieve top billing in Google.

This has all happened far too close together to have been coincidental. In fact, everything looks like it has been well-coordinated. And it demonstrates plainly that Google is every bit a part of the “deep state” that has been harassing, haranguing and attempting to de-legitimize the Trump administration at every turn. (RELATED: GOOGLE Blacklists Natural News… Removes 140,000 Pages From Its Index… “Memory Holes” Natural News Investigative Articles On Vaccines, Pharma Corruption, Fraudulent Science And More)

None of this will likely be resolved anytime soon, if at all. But the word is getting out among others in the independent media that the attack on our sites is only the beginning. Other indy publishers are going to be next, starting with the largest, most trafficked among them.

What we need our readers and others to do is to send a message to the authoritarians at Google and elsewhere that Americans are not about to sit idly by while the electronic equivalent of fascist, Nazi book-burning takes place in the 21st century. PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION NOW.

J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for NaturalNews.com and NewsTarget.com, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.




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