Earlier this month, it was revealed that Susan Rice, the former National Security Advisor under Barack Obama, made dozens of …
The mind-numbed sheep who have been seduced and subverted by the Left continue to behave more like herds than freedom-minded …
The chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence keeps dropping bombshells regarding what his committee is learning regarding …
The pathetic Washington establishment media was all in a lather on Monday after FBI Director James Comey told members of …
Amazon’s voice-activated virtual assistant, Alexa, may soon have the capability to identify who is speaking to it – a feature …
June of 2013 was the first time the media began reporting on Edward Snowden, then a 29-year-old employee of the …
Another deep state bombshell just hit the ‘net with WikiLeaks’ release of over 8,000 pages of once-secret documents from inside …
Democrats’ efforts to raise suspicions about alleged — and, thus far, imaginary — links between President Donald Trump’s campaign and …
The latest bombshell out of the new administration in Washington D.C. reveals that former president Barack Obama bugged Trump tower …
If you stop and think about it, there really aren’t many places we can go today where we can be …