Technology device ownership continues to soar, with smartphones, tablets, and laptop computers now showing a strong presence in a majority …
Although most of them believe that they are God’s gift to the world, millennials are far from perfect. Defined as …
Maybe someday it will menacingly order citizens to drop their weapons — or else a la Robocop. (Article by Robert …
According to Pew Research Center, 92% of American adults owned a cellphone in 2015, a significant jump from 65% in …
If you stop and think about it, there really aren’t many places we can go today where we can be …
Advancements in technology have surpassed our wildest dreams over the past several decades. What many people once considered to be …
According to a study by the British think tank, Reform, robots could potentially replace 90 percent of federal workers, a …
It sounds innocent enough, giving a parent the technology to keep track of their teenage children when they are out …
It all sounds so futuristic and exciting, this concept of driverless cars, but the reality is, our society may not …
When one envisions aquatic warfare, images of everything from historic galleons manned by sword wielding pirates to massive battleships containing …